Thursday, March 31, 2011

AIPAC, WINEP ...: "Focusing on Iran's dismal human rights record"

"... America's options on Iran are limited right now -- and depend somewhat on how growing fissures and feuds among Iran's ruling elites evolve, but short of adding another war to America's already too full plate. If it's a roster of a long list of other coercive measures, it's doubtful the Task Force will move the US-Iran policy needle very much. The group includes as members or advisors former AIPAC spokesman and Progressive Policy Institute Josh Block, Brookings' Ken Pollack, PPI's Will Marshall, the Council on Foreign Relations' Ray Takeyh, Bard College's Walter Russell Mead, WINEP's Rob Satloff, Stanford's Larry Diamond, and Freedom House's David Kramer.... "
AIPAC & WINEP (and others like Ken Pollack ...) are known for supporting human rights causes in the Middle East. Their support for the rights of Palestinian is epic! Their record of being moved to tears by Israel's barbaric treatment of Palestinians is long and consistent!


  1. Bibi: "Hey let's build an Island off the coast of Gaza!"

  2. Bibi: "Hey let's build an Island off the coast of Gaza!"
