Monday, January 31, 2011

Israeli officials call Omar Suleiman to warn of chaos on border ...

"israeli officials have telephoned Hosni Mubarak's newly appointed vice president Omar Suleiman several times urging Egypt to maintain previous security coordination, Israeli media said.The discussions were over Egypt's role on the Israeli border and Gaza smuggling tunnels, the Israeli daily Maariv reported...
Israel, according to Maariv, warned Suleiman of the risk if Egypt loses control over the smuggling tunnels. Intelligence learned that weapons and ammunition smuggling has increased during the unrest in Egypt as well as infiltrators into Israel as the army was busy trying to restore order in the country.
Quoting sources in the Israeli foreign ministry, Maariv added that Suleiman might sacrifice his country’s relations with Israel in order to satisfy public opinion and thus proves that he is the right choice..."

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