Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stop the Presses: "Vague about 'another 90 days freeze'"

"...Most of the disagreement concerns the American desire to remain vague over whether it will seek another freeze in three months' time. The Americans would like the text to say that progress over the next three months would render another freeze unnecessary. With regard to the guarantees, U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said "we're prepared to do everything we can to create the conditions for both the Palestinians and the Israelis to return to direct negotiations. .... Our message to both is the same: Get back to direct negotiations, work through the core issues and get to a just, fair and equitable settlement and agreement within 12 months." As with the previous construction freeze, the Americans will not ask Israel to stop building in East Jerusalem, but will not say so publicly or in writing. Another question at hand is whether the letter will state that the Americans will not seek to extend the freeze only if significant progress is made on the question of borders. Netanyahu has said borders would only be discussed with the other core issues ..."

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