Friday, October 1, 2010

India: "The US must stay, at least a decade in Afghanistan ... "

Delhi talks of 'fickle domestic politics' ... Surely they cannot mean Capitol Hill? Not to agree on Afghanistan, but when did 'domestic politics' stand obstacles to sound foreign policy? Palestine anyone?
"... Perceptions of a rift within the Obama administration on AfPak policy have been reinforced by Bob Woodward's recent book, Obama's Wars. There's considerable evidence that President Barack Obama's support to the current military surge in Afghanistan is at best half-hearted, qualified by a clear preference for an early withdrawal before the next presidential election cycle begins. That sends out mixed signals which are being dangerously misread in Islamabad. The Pakistani army and the ISI are already preparing for limited American presence in Afghanistan, which they think will provide the Taliban the space it needs to recapture Kabul. While Obama's withdrawal plans go against the advice of his generals, they have also incentivised Islamabad to harden its position on Kashmir. Recently its representatives raised the ghost of the old plebiscite proposal at the UN General Assembly, which has little traction in ... New Delhi .....
It is absolutely imperative that instead of closely tracking fickle political mood in the US, Obama rises above domestic considerations and starts listening to his generals. Afghanistan needs sustained military and civilian engagement to consolidate the gains of democracy and ensure stability. After the mistakes that have been made in the past, at least a decade of such engagement may be necessary. ..."

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