Saturday, April 18, 2009

Israel will need F-35s to deal with Iran

[ The F-22 is the successor to the old stealth fighter (F-117), the last of which was retired last year. The F-35 is not as stealthy as the F-22]

Haaretz, here
"...The defense establishment believes that the price quoted by the Americans is too high and could be reduced with sufficient pressure. It is unlikely that difficulties in the negotiations will lead to canceling the deal. The F-22s appear to be off the agenda. The Obama administration has not shown readiness to revoke the law passed by Congress preventing the sale of F-22 to foreign states.....The F-35's price tag is indeed very high. Last year, estimates of a single plane rose to almost $200 million, based on maximum prices quoted by Lockheed Martin and the Department of Defense. But Lockheed Martin says the final price will be much lower, somewhere around $100 million per aircraft. ..... ......Israeli and American intelligence officials believe Iran will be able to manufacture nuclear arms between 2012 and 2014, unless harsh international sanctions succeed in blocking the program. As far as Israel is concerned, it would be better to have the most advanced aircraft available..."

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