Friday, August 1, 2008

In Fighting al Qaeda, Bush's "Global War on Terrorism" Is Off Target

A New Rand Corp. study urges a "fundamental rethinking" of counterterrorism strategy, ... in US-News, here

Htcac4wo4hca1ta4pkca7ftms1catq2u1gc "Since 2001, al Qaeda has conducted a greater number of attacks across a larger geographic area than at any time in its history. "We find it hard to agree that al Qaeda has been significantly weakened since Sept. 11, 2001," says Seth Jones, coauthor with Martin Libicki of the report titled "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qaeda." The authors evaluate al Qaeda since 2001 as being both "strong" and "competent." What's needed, the report suggests, is a "fundamental rethinking of U.S. strategy" to focus on minimizing overt military action and increasing intelligence collection and partnerships with law enforcement agencies around the world." Rand Corporation

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