Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Israel: "Saudis secretly funneled weapons to anti-Hezbollah forces"

In the excessively neo-conish WorldNetDaily, here
"....Informed security officials say the Saudi weapons were used by pro-democracy gunmen battling Hezbollah forces since Hezbollah started the violence last week after the Lebanese government decided to dismantle and take legal action against Hezbollah's communications network...."


Anonymous said...

So Saudis are helping "prodemocratic" forces in Lebanon? What kind of moronic analysis is that? Mentioning in one sentence Saudi and democracy and building a whole analysis on that is really something. Neocons ought to know better. Anyway, all that money and weaponry did not really help 'prodemocracy' forces. I guess one should bet on 'antidemocratic' forces for it seems they are beating the helluva crap out 'prodemocracy' forces in the region. Tsk! Tsk!

Anonymous said...

Emad in New Hampshire, USA:
WE SHALL NEVER FORGET... Once again, the Druze strength and resolve were tested by invaders from the Iranian regime and their supporters, and once again we showed them that the Druze people, old and young, men and women, would never kneel to anyone but God almighty. Many thanks and gratitude to Walid Jumblatt and Talal Arslan who worked together to ensure that all Druze communities remain calm in dealing with each others. But nevertheless, this is a declaration to Hezbollah and Hassan Nassrallah: You have come to our homes to harm our families, and WE SHALL NEVER FORGET. You have come to take away our pride and values, and WE SHALL NEVER FORGET. You have come to destroy our homes and belongings, and WE SHALL NEVER FORGET. You have come to silence our voice and destroy our spirit, and WE SHALL NEVER FORGET. Hassan Nasrallah, history shall judge you with for what you have done to your country, and God shall judge you for silencing the voice and the soul of your brothers and sisters.

Adam in Texas, USA:
I respect your point of view and wish the same for our country to leave in peace and prosperity. But how are we to accomplish this when a large segment of the country is not so well represented in the government, while after 2 years now since the conflict with Israel, the majority of those whose houses were destroyed have yet to see help from this government, which I am sure really care about them. Also how about all the increases of food and gas for the poorest of the poor, how are we to manage the basic necessities of our people. There is an old saying, a man that is hungry is not a free man. First Let's start showing good intention by allowing one of the largest party in Lebanon to be represented fairly in politics, second let's show good will by rebuilding the houses of those destroyed by the war. And third let's start a line of reconciliation such as any country which has witnessed this amount of hatred and instability among its citizen.

Fadia in Georgia, USA:
It is really sad of the things that are happening in Lebanon, and I hope the Lebanese people will be awaken before it is too late. Iran, Syria, and Israel are using the Lebanese people as a puppets. They are turning them against each other for their best interests. If all of these countries would really wants to help us, they won't provide us with weapons to kill each other. They would make our Lebanese army the strongest and destroy anything called a mitlita.

Why can't all of us live in peace and try to build Lebanon with unity, and why do we need to be occupied by any foreign countries. Wake up!! all the militia leaders are afraid of losing their seats in the government and their money. All their children are placed in the best universities in the world. Where is the future of our children and youngesters that grew up during the war and the only thing tought to them is hating another lebanese person just because of his or her religion or he or she is from the opposite side of their militia. Wake up Lebanese people and try to fight for your rights. your rights of living free and happy not worrying about getting killed or worrying about losing somebody's life that you value for any terroist leader or militia leader.

Joseph in Dearborn, Michigan, USA:
Well written! Thank you for being unbiased factual and informative. I admire those who write a good news piece and shows that they don't have to fabricate or sugar coat the story to appease one side or the other.

George from Canada:
It is time for the Lebanese Army to consider Hezbollah an invader group from Iran, and to destroy this enemy who is in violation of our Lebanon. If the Lebanese Government really want to keep the independence of Lebanon, they should Destroy Hezbollah and his leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Anonymous in Boston, USA:
The Druze heroes withstood the Hezbollah attacks from all directions. I am from Deir Qoubel. My village was under mortar fire from Keyfoun and the southern Beirut suburbs. Only 40 men, armed with hunting rifles and limited ammunition, were standing in the face of a militia armed to the teeth with semi-automatic weapons and heavy artillery.

No Druze village fell to the Hezbollah invaders. The heroes of the Mountain were brave in the face of the world's most dangerous militia. Won't the world wake up to see the injustice taking place in Lebanon! These villagers only want to live in peace and dignity! To have a country run not by the rule of the jungle but the rule of law and democracy!

Who has the back of the Druze? They have only the faith that righteousness will have its way!

The 300 shall remain, and Lebanon shall remain for the free! Hezbollah CAN be stopped! No one is invincible in the face of righteousness! Lebanese unite! Resist! Lebanon is ours to protect!

Rola in Aitat, Lebanon:
When a photographer from Associated Press came to Aitat Monday morning asking us to recommend some locations to take some good pictures we told him just watch the movie 300 and you will see it all live. We are happy that someone else sees it this way. Please remember to mention Aitat. Aitat has always been a great defense line and a front in all battles.

Ramzi in Georgia, USA:
What a beautiful article. Congratulations

Ziad in Pennsylvania, USA:
Christians left Lebanon long time, now it is time to Druze to do that, then Lebanon will be totally under the Iranian control by it proxy party HIZBULLAH. Shame on those who live in a country & bears it identity card & yet is loyal to a foreign country than hi/her own.

I am a secular Druze lebanese,living in the US for 12 yrs now. I believe that the Future Lebanon will be Goverened by IRAN's version of ISLAM. Now we do not have a Christian presidant, nor a government, and an army who's loyalty is questionable. We have a proxy Hizbullah ruling us. What a shame, when a country has multiple loyalties rather than one.

Celia in Saudi Arabia:
As a proud Druze from Chouf mountain, i thank Dr. Phares for this beautiful description of the battles fought and won by our people who are known for ages for defending their homes and lands to death.and who have conquered through history many foriegn armies and who are known as the first founders of the lebanese republic. I hope that this lesson of courage will be an inspiration to the UN and to play a more effective role. I totally agree with Dr. Phares's conclusion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Nasry in Dubai:
Excellent article, you gave a realistic picture that was supported by ground facts. Like you mentioned, Druze villagers were fighting with hunting weapons against big military canons. Thank you for being insightful in transmitting the picture to the world.God bless you and hope that your pen will always be as powerful as it is now. I personally would like to read any future article you generate in future.

Jason in California, USA:
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your articulate article. You are a true Lebanese indeed. Mount Lebanon belongs to the real citizens of Lebanon,and victory will prevail by few good brave hearted noble men. Their great grand parents washed these mountain hills land with their blood sweat and tears and set an example for many generations to come. Lebanon's '300' heroes are the true loyal citizens of this magnificent land not the terrorists and the gangsters of Hezbollah and their allies. Thanks and God Bless.

Rami in California, USA:
Dr Phares - you should be writing another Star Wars Episode for George Lucas

Nutjob in Syria:
The Druze are destined to burn your temple and you shall be their slaves. May you never see the savage gleam of the eyes of a Druze for this will be your last sight.

Antoine in Virginia, USA:
Shame on you Dr Phares, your comments are so idiotic and your story is full of crap. You think Lebanon only belongs to you and yuo're not willing to share it. Well I tell you that your days are numbered now. The real Lebanese are going to call the shots from now on. Half of you should move to Syria and the other to Israel since you've always been traitors and backstabbers. Long live Hezbollah

Rita in London, UK:
Thanks for always being there and updating us with the latest so accurately,and in such a interesting style. You kept me in touch with Lebanon every minute,when i am at work or when i am home... Please keep it up and thank you again, excellent work.

Anonymous in Hong Kong:
The Lebanese need a petition highlighting some of these points.
1. We say NO to State within a State
2. We say NO to Hezbollah's & Amal's weapons
3. One People, One Democratic Government, One Army

Let's get a million + signatures and have it presented to the United Nations

Ramsey in Oregon, USA:
Thank you for your coverage. We are Lebanese in America now and you are our only true and in-depth source for day to day events other than the few emails we are getting from family. Thank you. We don't know what we can do here to press the cause for peace in Lebanon.

Anonymous in Amsterdam:
It annoys me badly that Arabs are so damn bad at standing together and Jews are so damn good at standing together, how can Arabs expect any support from anyone if they cant even get along internal, they behave like little kids with toy guns, except for that these guns are real and they kill real people, shame on you all and shame especially on Hezbollah, Iran and Syria who stick there noses where it should not be, one would think they have plenty to do back home, what a sad and primitive behavior.

Nader in Canada:
It's very easy to sum up the situation: Hizballa = TERRORISM. That's all they know

Ali in Scotland, UK:
Please note that Hezbollah did not use weapons against Lebanese people. the governmant is pro-american meaning israeli allied in Lebanon.

Ali in California, USA:
If Hizb Allah wanted to topple the Goverment it would take them 1 day & 1 day only. Syria & Iran are completely innocent. By the way, I am not a Shiite. I think the Opposition waited too long, in my opinion, to show those morons what true Nationalist look like.

Karen in California, USA:
The Lebanese people should that their country be returned. Lebanon belongs to all the Lebanese, not the Hezbollah & Amal thugs with weapons.

Lalo in California, USA:
For Hesbollah to rage war against the towns of mount Lebanon and Druze civilians is a disgrace and untolerable action to any civlized society. The gangsters of hesbollah are nothing but bunch of terrorists as the world now can see. These terroists should know the Mountains of Lebanon were built on noble-men's shoulders by Druze, Christians, and Sunnis, those illiterate people should go back to history books and nourish their souls. If they want to become a pillar of the Lebanese society
they should lay down their weapons and let the army of the people execute their
duties and extend protection for every Lebanese, they are no longer being trusted by the majority peaceful citizens of the state of Lebanon. God bless Lebanon and its loyal citizens.

Sandra in Massachusetts, USA:
My heart is so heavy from what has transpired over the past week from Hezbollah. I
can't begin to say I know much about the politics there. I sort of thought that Hezbollah was like the Black Panther Party here in the states. They were a militant group. They did a lot of good for the black poor. But as violence became their credo, they lost in the end. The military and police and court in America wiped them out. It seemed to me that Hezbollah wanted a seat at the table of the governing of Lebanon. I think they have shown now what drives them.

Marya in Romania:
I am really sorry for what is happening in Lebanon. Nobody has the right to use weapons in this manner, especially in this modern age. Despite what Hezbollah may think, we don't live in tribes. What is most grave, is that they are using weapons to kill fellow lebanese. They share the same country, maybe they are friends, maybe they are relatives. Only living in unity will you succeed and be strong before your enemies. Even animals don't kill their own species, we are better than this. God bless Lebanon.

Mo in Virginia, USA:
Hezbollah has always said their weapons would only be used against Israel. Now that they have used them against fellow Lebanese, they clearly cannot be trusted. The time is now for Hezbollah to disarm and for a new Army to be formed - the current one obviously cannot protect its people.

G, M, Z, or B said...

To Mohamad Dawood Khan and his group of merry men & gals:

All this jive is in response to what?

Or are you gonna use "taqqiyeh" on us?

mo said...

They need their mythology, let em be.

As for that worldnetdaiyl report, what rubbish. Saad Hariri himself told us he had no militia, and Hariri is an honourable man. Even though, last month he said that in any battle with Hizballah, his men would take one street for every street Hizballah took (how optimistic was that?), he says he has no militia and he is an honorable man. Even though his men were abandoning their posts claiming they were not paid to figh and die, he says he has no militia and he is an honorable man.

He just mis-speaks alot.