Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lebanon's 'Black Sunday' killings raise sectarian tensions

Nicholas Blanford in the CSM, here


Anonymous said...

Please don't give Blandford any publcity. The man is a tool and a cretin.

BTW. I notice M14 have called for a mass demo for Hariris aniversary. Do you think they may have made a mistake here? I would love it if just a few hundred people turned up

G, M, Z, or B said...

well, Saado will try hard to make a show of force: we hear that (as usual) people will be paid, bused and promised things. with price hikes, shortages and a harsh winter, i believe a US$100 bill will go a long way. they'll show thousands, and the problems will remain!

Anonymous said...

You may be right but maybe, just maybe people will have had enough by now and will not comply. The less popular our feudal overlords are made to look, the weaker they become.

Anonymous said...


Dont be so hard on Blanford. I disagree with him on many things and did not like his Hariri hagiography, but he is not a "tool" or a "cretin." Save your venom for more deserving targets, or at least, make it substantive rather than personal.