Monday, August 6, 2007

"La tragédie des chrétiens du Liban"

Read Le Figaro, here
"Il faut se garder de diaboliser Michel Aoun dont les arguments sont respectables. Sa volonté de transcender les clivages sociaux et communautaires traditionnels, pour favoriser la cohabitation entre chrétiens et musulmans, est louable. Mais son alliance, nouée début 2006, avec le Hezbollah parrainé par l'Iran et la Syrie est contradictoire avec l'idée souverainiste qui devrait animer la communauté chrétienne et qu'il a lui-même incarnée naguère..."


Anonymous said...

What Thomas Freedman sayed about Ameen Gemayel in his book:
From Beirut to Jerusalem

“Bashir’s older brother, sometime Playboy, sometime businessman, all time ….zero, Amine Gemayel he always seemed to be much more concerned about the part in his…perfectly coiffed hair than with serious affairs of state.” P.177

Anonymous said...

GPC my question for you: Did Michel Murr crank up his machine as hard as he could, or did he not?
From far away I suspect he did, because Aoun seemed quite helpless with his shrill bizarro rhetoric on Christian presidential prerogatives.

G, M, Z, or B said...

I thought he would not, but he did. don't forget the normally, abou Elias's constituency is 50% kataeb, ..but his pple came through.

G, M, Z, or B said...

You forgot what Reagan's special Envoy, Phil Habib said about Amine aka. Travolta in Damned is the Peacmaker P:377)