Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Neo-cons' "Who's Who" to plot IRAN strategy in the Bahamas

Via Steve Clemons at Washington Note we learn that "at the Westin’ Resort on Grand Bahama Island we larn that the Foundation for Defense of Democracies is holding “a policy workshopto plot strategy for moving U.S. policy toward Iran in a direction compatible with its confrontational views."Among those who have been invited areUnder Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, Paula Dobriansky; the hard-line Iran country director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Office of Special Plans (OSP) alumna, Ladan Archin; the recently-departed State Department Coordinator of Counterterrorism, Amb. Henry Crumpton; the former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis at the Treasury Department, Matthew Levitt, who is now with the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). The administration’s new UN Ambassador, Zalmay Khalilzad, has also been invited and his wife,Cheryl Benard, who directs the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy, is confirmed. Also attending, Uri Lubrani (chief Iran advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert), Princeton's Bernard Lewis, Michael Ledeen and his "protege" CIA's Reuel Marc Gerecht."
Read Jim Lobe's full piece here.

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