Monday, May 21, 2007

Lebanon and the "Policy of Constructive Instability" revisited

I think now is a good time to "dust off" and re-read a March 15, 2005 essay by WINEP's Robert Satloff's "Policy Of Constructive Instability". Perhaps you'll identify a few features of US Foreign Policy.
"... Getting those missiles out of Hizballah's hands and out of Lebanon altogether is a high strategic desideratum... A second near-term objective of disarmament should be to end Hizballah's freedom to operate as an independent force Hizballah's assent to even this limited disarmament will still require the deployment to Lebanon of international monitors to verify compliance, perhaps even the stationing of an ongoing presence at Beirut's airport and other border crossings ... The United States has no interest in the survival of the Asad regime, U.S. planners to dust off old studies of possible sources of domestic instability and their likely implications"

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