Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tehran 'exploring' Kerry's visit ...

In the CABLE/ in ISNA, here
"Iran's Parliament is exploring the trip of the Head of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry, said Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast on Tuesday.
Speaking to reporters in his weekly press conference, Mehmanparast regarding the trip of John Kerry said, "Mr. John Kerry seems to have called for trip to Iran, the issue was referred to Iran's parliament since it was a parliamentary trip and Iran's Parliament will declare its response after examinations."
He also said Iran's Foreign Ministry is to summon British ambassador to Iran to show opposition against the UK's measures in Iran over post-election events.
Regarding some countries' interference in Iran's post-election events, he said, "Iran is fully observing moves of other countries against the Iranian nation and it is to summon the British ambassador to voice opposition against their interference."
He also rejected reports that Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has said the country is set for talks in Turkey on fuel swap and said, "we have right to call for the IAEA to supply fuel required for Tehran reactor which seeks humanitarian purposes, so setting condition for providing the fuel is not an appropriate measure."
He also continued, Iran agreed with fuel swap to build confidence and gave another chance to the other party and if the other party does not lose the opportunity and uses it for building confidence, we can talk over details of the issue."

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