Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lebanon's "supersonic liability"...

In the Guardian, here and here
"...Both statements are barely veiled complaints about the fact that the United States, so far the only country that has given direct military aid to Lebanon, has always been keen not to provide anything that could pose a threat (however hypothetical) to Israel. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs Chris Straub had said only a few days ago that Washington always considered Israel's concerns before providing military aid to Lebanon........
And let nobody be fooled by the statement that "no political conditions" would be attached to any future arms deals between Russia and Lebanon........
And the Lebanese state does not need, nor want, any offensive capabilities. If it wants to defend itself against the continued Israeli overflights or during the much-expected "next round" of the Hizbullah-Israel brawl, 10 MiG-29s won't do any good. .....Hizbullah has successfully shown that a smart defence is the best deterrent. The Lebanese armed forces need anti-tank, anti-ship, and anti-aircraft rockets. Lots of them.."

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