Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mossad on Iran: "promises not kept ....but, some results..."

Yossi Melman in Haaretz, here

"...Since Dagan joined the Mossad, he has behaved like a bull in a china shop. He has closed departments, made structural changes, alienated veterans, insulted senior officials and made promises he didn't keep - including his promise to block Iran's nuclear program ...
Dagan's changes and emphases have begun to show results. Various foreign governments (Spain, Belgium, Austria, Tanzania, Azerbaijan and others) have prevented Iran from receiving important technological equipment for its nuclear program....
Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Intelligence Ministry and prosecutor general have "exposed" several Mossad spies in recent weeks......what we do know is only the tip of the iceberg of Israeli and western efforts to block Iran's nuclear program, as well as Iran's attempts to expose and neutralize them."

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