Friday, August 10, 2007

Cheney urging strikes on Iran

From McClatchy's, Via WarAndPiece, here.
" ... The (behind the scene) debate has been accompanied by a growing drumbeat of allegations about Iranian meddling in Iraq from U.S. military officers, administration officials and administration allies outside government and in the news media. It isn't clear whether the media campaign is intended to build support for limited military action against Iran, to pressure the Iranians to curb their support for Shiite groups in Iraq or both..."The Bush administration has launched what appears to be a coordinated campaign to pin more of Iraq's security troubles on Iran..." Patrick Clawson, an Iran specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said a strike on the Quds camps in Iran could make the nuclear diplomacy more difficult... Before launching such a strike, "We better be prepared to go public with very detailed and very convincing intelligence," Clawson said..."

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