Thursday, July 1, 2010

"... CENTCOM is now Israel's primary enemy..."

We thought "b's" comment on CENTCOM thinking outside the box on Hezbollah & Hamas, thought provoking:
".... CENTCOM is now Israel's primary enemy. It came up with a request to put Israel under its regional command. Petraeus then testified that the Israel problem makes the U.S. position in the region very difficult. Then he ordered his staff to come up with the above analysis.
Now Petraeus will come under fire from the Israel lobby. Silently first, but as things get worse in Afghanistan they will openly feed an anti-Petraeus campaign.
They would never let him become a presidential candidate."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"CENTCOM is now Israels primary enemy."

Centcom is the US of A. Nice to know Israel thinks the US is thier enemy. Sure explains thier espionage and fouling up US national interests.